These are the benefits of young coconut water for health

These are the benefits of young coconut water for health lounge when it's hot and hot uh I want to drink something fresh, especially if you enjoy young coconut water It's very suitable to be consumed when you do strenuous activities and a lot of hot weather.  Digested in the form of sugar and electrolytes, coconut water has very low calories and is also low in sodium and contains high potassium compared to sports drinks, even higher than if you eat a banana, 

here's a healthy key that summarizes 11 health benefits of young coconut, one of them  one that is good for digestion [Music] The first benefit of young coconut water is to overcome various digestive problems, the digestive system needs a lot of fiber to work.  Young coconut water is very useful when you have diarrhea because it can take the lost fluids.  

This is because young coconut water contains amino acids.  minerals and fatty acids.  In addition, coconut water also contains low sodium and chloride and high in sugar.  By consuming coconut water regularly, your digestion will be smooth again, and to eliminate dehydration.  Young coconut water has many similarities with fluids in the body and is very easily absorbed by the body.  

body has a very high electrolyte content, coconut water can activate fluids lost in the body after doing physical activities such as exercising.  In addition, coconut water also contains potassium which is useful for maintaining air pressure in cells and in the blood.  Coconut water is also thought to help reduce the increased formation of blood in the veins.  

The high potassium content and low sodium in coconut water can help lower high blood pressure.  A study describes the results of observations in people with high blood pressure.  By consuming water regularly shows that high blood pressure will lose weight You who want to lose weight will be very helpful because it has a very low fat and calorie content can maintain appetite.  

so it's better to consume young coconut water than having to take chemical drugs to lose weight 5 neutralize toxins Young coconut water contains high tannins and antidotes or anti-toxins that can neutralize toxins in the body er papa young also contains enzymes that can be like toxic properties  in the body to prevent premature aging, the key is to be healthy, you want to stay young.  

It turns out that the air contains saturated fat called nicotine or lauric acid which is needed by the body for the regulation and formation of skin cells and triggers aging of the facial skin and other skin and even young coconut water as well.  Cytokines that have anti-aging, anticarcinogenic and antithrombotic or anti-blood clotting effects

7 contain free radical antioxidants in excess that can cause cell damage and trigger various diseases.  can help neutralize oxidative stress and free radicals that can arise If a person exercises too hard 

8 lowers blood sugar Young coconut water is a source of magnesium which can increase insulin sensitivity to help lower blood sugar levels in animal studies by consuming young coconut water proved effective.  help lower blood sugar levels, but this still requires further research.  

9 kidney stones to meet fluid needs is important to prevent the formation of kidney stones in addition to drinking water regularly can maintain kidney health because the nutrient content of air keeps our kidneys healthy and working well.  by the body in studies conducted on animals that consume young coconut water can lower cholesterol levels and are typical and reduce fatty liver 

11 moisturize your skin If you often experience dry skin your body lacks fluids that can moisturize its surface in addition to lots of water you can also consume coconut water  because it contains vitamin C which can nourish the skin condition, don't forget also for optimal results, use sunscreen and avoid direct sun exposure.  

The benefits of young coconut water are indeed many, ranging from refreshing the body when thirsty, adding electrolytes in the body can even help cure diseases, but further research is still needed on the benefits of young coconut water for health, so keep checking in consuming it.  Thank you for watching this video, hopefully this useful information can be useful for all of us greetings healthy 

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