Are instant noodles harmful to health?

Not a few people in Indonesia who like instant noodles. Besides being delicious, instant noodles are cheap and very practical. However, behind the enjoyment of instant noodles, is there a threat to the health of our 

bodies? As many people say, consuming too much instant noodles is unhealthy. But what is the reason? In instant noodles, there are bad fats and high salt content, as well as preservatives, MSG, and coloring agents that make instant noodles more tempting. Bad fats, which we discussed in the previous video, can cause inflammation that leads to heart disease, stroke and digestive problems. 

 While salt, if consumed too much can cause blood pressure to rise, and ultimately burden the heart and interfere with the performance of other organs in the body. Most instant noodles are also low in fiber and protein. Fiber is important for a healthy digestive system. While protein is needed for cell growth and maintenance.

 A study from South Korea stated that the more often a person consumes instant noodles, the higher the risk of suffering from metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a collection of conditions in the form of high blood pressure, increased portion of body fat in the abdomen and high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

 Conditions that occur at the same time increase our risk for various diseases including diabetes. Even so, some experts see great potential in instant noodles. Instant noodles that can be accessed by various groups can be used as a tool to increase the intake of vitamins and minerals so as to reduce the risk of malnutrition. 

 For example, a study in South Sulawesi and South Kalimantan stated that instant noodles fortified with iron and vitamin A can reduce the risk of anemia and eye disease regardless of social and economic level. 

 In conclusion, instant noodles are not good if consumed too often. However, the potential of instant noodles can still be explored to help eradicate malnutrition because of its easy access, without being hindered by social and economic factors. 

 As a connoisseur of instant noodles, do you think you would like to be invited to develop instant noodles to make them healthier? Do you like discussing facts like this? Help your friends understand it too by sharing this video for a brighter future of instant noodles! Don't forget to subscribe to support us in educating further. 

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