How to Register a Free Domain EU.ORG And How To Custom To Blogspot

The domain is a free domain that has survived since 1996, to get the domain it is said to be difficult and easy because to avoid abuse of the domain, the purpose of is to provide a free domain for users who cannot afford the domain renewal fee.  requested by the NIC.

 Advantages of Using the Domain

 You can install a name server from cloudflare, so you can get additional features such as SSL, DNS, and CDN.

 Can be customized to blogspot

 Even though the domain is, it doesn't mean it can't be registered with adsense, such as the following blogs that use the domain,,, and

 There is no renewal fee provided you must comply with all domain policies


 Supports non-European sites, so non-European sites are allowed to register including Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.

 What The Domain Prohibits

 Commercial sites, if for small commercial sites partially accepted but if large commercial sites hopes to buy a private domain registered with ICANN.

 Adhere to internet standards, care must be taken to register a domain name so that it does not involve copyrighted brands.

 Not involved in spam, such as phishing, malware and BLACKHAT SEO practices.

 How To Get EU.ORG Domain For Free

 Must provide own DNS manager, like dns Hostry because they provide free dns service.

 Just don't read too much hehe, let's go to the tutorial

 Please open the site, create a new account, enter the required data in the hope that the data used is the same to register the domain later so that it is received more quickly.


 Then open the email/spam to confirm the hosting account to be active

 Then return to the hostry site with the account created earlier, open the service menu - free DNS - enter the domain you want to register for example then press the create button

 If you have created a DNS repository for the domain later.

 The name server will be like this:

 After making DNS, please go to the site to create an account, if you have, just log in.

 Then open your email inbox or spam to confirm your account.

 After getting the username and password that you created earlier, please enter the site.

 Then click new domain, enter the domain name you want to create, for example,

 Please fill in the data for the whois if you want it checked or not.

 Then enter the name server created in the DNS hostry, enter it in the name line, not in the ip line.

 For the name server option, select the server names + replies on SOA + replies on NS (recommended)

 Then click submit, then the domain request will be processed

 *For the time of receipt of approximately one week or even a month, if there is no confirmation from, please contact

 How to Install EU.ORG Domain To Blogspot

 To install the domain in the same way as other domain installers in general.

 Go to blogger then settings - basic - blog address, enter the domain name for example then click save.

 Then a code will appear to be placed in the DNS hostry settings.

 Then enter the DNS hostry in the order section, enter the DNS settings

 Just add CNAME and A record

 Paste the code obtained when adding the domain on blogger earlier.

 Don't forget to enter the A record with the following ip:





 After everything has been saved, wait 30 minutes and then repeat the first step again, which is to enter the domain in blogger.

 If successful, the domain can be accessed.

 If you don't understand, please contact me via my contact or directly click Whatsapp.

 Thank you for reading this post, hopefully it will be useful.

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